
Mario And Sonic In Great Battle

Yous accept the 2 about iconic idols in the world to the fight to the terminate. Volition information technology exist Superman and Goku or the mascot of Nintendo and the Blue Mistiness? Who will take the win?

                                      Flavor 1 Episode 1


Kenny: Yous've seen many strong warriors before, just none as powerful every bit these ones.

Kenny: Including Son Goku the legendary Super Saiyan

Kenny: and Superman, the Man of Steel.

Kenny: and the two will be facing of the two iconic rivals of Video Game history,

Kenny: Sonic the Hedgehog

Kenny: and Mario the Star of Nintendo.

Kenny: My chore is to find out their limits in Speed, Strength, Armor and Skill to find out who would win a Death Battle!


Kenny: For Goku I will be using Dragon Ball Super Goku with no Ultra Instinct because it'southward ambiguous would be unfair.

Kenny: Goku, born every bit Kakarot, was born from a depression class warrior named Bardock, (who in the Ocean Dub was a brilliant scientist) from the planet Vegeta. He was sent to earth to do one simple affair, DESTROY ALL HUMANS!

Kenny: Merely, after his first few stages of his life, he forgot information technology all because of a big hit to the head. Due to his Saiyan Biology he somehow survived it according to Master Roshi. This is when he became the Goku that we all know and love. The kickoff hint of his Saiyan biology was when he killed his Grampa Gohan when not being able to control his Great Ape Country.

Kenny: After that, he was trained nether the watchful eye of Primary Roshi and was honed his superhuman levels like force, speed and durability. At present we all know how this all turned out! He died at the hands of Piccolo to defeat his evil, older brother Raditz. He then went to train with King Kai in the afterlife, when he learned the Spirit Bomb, a move that can build up big aounts of energy from resource and the Kaio-Ken, which can multiply his power.

Kenny: Now if yous don't know what ki is, it is well kind of like the force in the Dragon Ball globe.

Abilities: Later on-Image, Dragon-Throw
Flight: Goku at a Power Level of five,000 can fly at most Mach 30. Merely back then, Goku hadn't reached the level of Super Saiyan yet! Equally far every bit I know, the speed of light is 671,000,000 MPH (300,000 km per 2d). Goku at Super Saiyan 2 tin can reach two.4 times the speed of light, while Goku at Super Saiyan iii is 400x stronger than the normal Goku!

Ki Boom Destructo Disk, Solar Flare, Ki Barrier, Spirit Bomb, Dragon Fist, Instant Manual [teleportation]

Kenny: At present fifty-fifty though Goku may be a bit of an idiot regularly, merely he is a genius when it comes to fighting!Goku has many forms he has obtained over the years of training. The form Super Saiyan has a 50x strength increase, Super Saiyan two is 2x Super Saiyan, and Super Saiyan three is 4 times stronger than Super Saiyan 2! Equally for Super Saiyan God, the multiplier is unknown. On top of that, the Super Saiyan Bluish grade is a big upgrade to the regular Super Saiyan God form, making him easily one of the near unsafe opponents to face up!

Goku: Equally yous are surely enlightened… I am the Saiyan who come up from earth to defeat you. Despite my calm, tranquility hear, I am the legendary warrior awakened by intense anger… I AM THE SUPER SAIYAN, SON GOKU!


Kenny: Now for the Man of Steel himself!

Kenny: Superman (Kal-El/) was the son of Jor-el. Superman's mom and dad died due to the destruction of of Krypton, their domicile planet. When he arrived on earth, he was adopted by the Kents, who named him Clark Kent. He was a normal farm boy.

Kenny: and no, Goku is a rip-off of him!

Kenny: Well normal was not the best discussion to describe him. He plant his alien heritage that had created some walls preventing of reaching his full potential. (WHAT?)

Kenny: Clark traveled the world in hope to notice other Kryptonians and had landed a job at the Daily Planet in City. With the overlooked disguise, which is when he changes into amorphous clothes to brand him wait smaller (along with some nifty glasses), when needed he shows his colors every bit the Superman!

Kenny: as far as abilities go, he is one of the about OP characters out there! He has super forcefulness as he can elevator 6.6 quintillion tons; he is strong plenty to move planets and tin can he can elevator the 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pound earth for 3 days without the aid of the sun!

Kenny: His durability is large, seeing equally he tin survive 10 octillion megatons of force, like when he survived the ability of 15 suns exploding suns in his confront. Also, every bit Boomstick put it, when he was thrown towards the Earth, with the force that can crusade nuclear winter, he stood upwards more pissed off then injure! He even was able to comprise a black pigsty with just his hands!

Kenny: He fifty-fifty has heat vision that can reach 9940.73 Degrees Fahrenheit and disintegrate unabridged planets! He besides can run fast enough to go on up with the Flash, who can interruption into low-cal speed. Superman can even fly over viii one thousand thousand times faster than the speed of low-cal!

Kenny: Superman has washed many incredible things with his Freeze Breath, like when he blew out a star in a single breath! He is certainly one person y'all do non desire to mess with.

Superman:  There is a right and a wrong in the universe and that distinction is non hard to make.


Kenny: For Sonic I volition use Archie Sonic, now equally for origin I practise not know Sonic. It is kind of difficult to exercise research, only it is the merely way for me to brand this fair so let's go with that.

Kenny:  Sonic'southward greatest strength is his super speed, an innate talent that members of the Hedgehog species possess. Sonic, yet, has proven himself in a class of his own with his speed, having been credited equally "The fastest matter alive" and fifty-fifty the fastest being in the entire universe. He has the ability to instantly accelerate to the speed of sound and run at speeds far greater than mach ane, which is the baking speed of about 768 mph. He can do this running astern just likewise as he tin forward. Due to such speed, he tin calibration vertical surfaces and ceilings, run over water, outspeed lasers, and even cause the ground to explode in his wake!

Kenny: Fifty-fifty then, Sonic can accept his speed even farther. By revving upwardly in one place, he can take off at turbo speeds in an instant. He tin can also that let himself accelerate beyond the sound bulwark on both the ground and in midair for a short time, allowing him to not only nail directly through enemies and obstacles like a living projectile, simply also move immense distances midair. Using sure techniques, he can even achieve light-speed for a while.

Kenny: Sonic possesses enhanced strength, though he has been noted to lack overall raw ability by comparison. He can push and lift things several times bigger and heavier than himself, run without extra weight slowing down and his attacks can blast through metal and rock, and impairment foes countless times his size. Even so, it is debatable whether the latter's ability comes from his speed, force, or a combination of both.

Kenny: Sonic's forcefulness particularly lies in his legs; with a single kick, he tin topple Eggman's Golem, knock back several of Eggman'due south gunners at once and send Badniks flight. This does not mean that Sonic's artillery are non potent either; he has enough strength to tear robots apart by easily and punch through a wall.

Kenny: Despite not having undergone whatever known grooming, Sonic'southward years of battles accept made him a skilled and powerful fighter. He has defeated behemothic robots, demons and god-like beings on his ain, gone upwards against and bested those with far more combat experience, and even beaten people who are his equal in abilities!

Sonic: Sonic's the proper name, speed'due south my game!


Kenny: Mario has done many jobs throughout his life. But he does information technology all equally the hero we all honey today!

Kenny: Mario was one of the 7 star children, who possess a lot of power. He is the tougher of the two Mario Brothers; he can pause a tank just from a proficient butt-stomp and can jump a few times his height. He is potent enough to shatter bricks with his bare easily and if that is non enough for you, he can lift and kick castle that weighs 61,372,830 tons every bit if it was a kick ball! So, with the distance it was kicked, the amount of strength it would accept took to do then would be about 3.47 megatons of TNT according to Wiz!

Kenny: Mario has been able to toss around King Bob-Omb, by comparing the height of Mario and the king Bob-Omb himself, Mario must be lifting15326 kg! All of these creatures are at least 10x Mario's size, yet he can do all of this with ease. In Bowser's Inside Story, Mario uses all of his forcefulness to lift Luigi, who at the fourth dimension was three tons! Note that Mario was able to do that move when he was very tiny. Mario also was able to lift and throw an entire fortress in Super Mario Earth!

Kenny: Mario has many power-ups to aid him on his adventures, such as the Cherry-red Mushroom that increases his size and force. The Burn Bloom gives him the ability to shoot fire balls but he afterward learned how to do so without information technology and so in that location is no point to include it in this battle. The Lucky Bell can transform him into a cat he tin can climb some walls or other surfaces with his claws. Kind of like my true cat did to me.

Kenny: He also has the Water ice Bloom that can turn his foes frozen solid. The Double Ruddy can create clones of himself without any power subtract. With the superstar he can become totally invincible for a shot while.

Kenny: At present for all the people who think that the fat ones are tiresome equally hell you lot will be surprised. Now the speed Mario can run is ridiculously fast. He can run at speeds as high as 52 km/h. His horizontal running speed is effectually eight km/h faster than the44.five km/h Usain Commodities hit in a race.

Kenny: Mario can take a flop strong enough to destroy a castle, can take ii.iv megatons of TNT and can take a blast with over ane.37 Megatons of strength. So Mario is one of the strongest characters out at that place.

Mario: YYYAAAAHHHOOOO!!! I'm the winner.

Death Battle

We run into Goku and Superman sparing for expert fun at the Kame Business firm

Krillin: WOW! Expect at them get at it. I can't keep up with what'southward going on, at all tin can you Yamcha?

Yamcha: Me neither but it's still really cool to see there are other heroes to protect world other than u.s..

(Goku lands a good blow on Superman)

Goku: Got you Supes!

Superman: Non yet you haven't! (Superman flings Goku, slamming him in the ground)

Goku (rubbing his head in pain): Awww what went incorrect?

Superman: Yous got cocky, that'south always your downfall.

Goku: But still, you're a good sparring partner.

Superman: Thanks you Gok-what's that? (Superman looks at the distance and sees a blue and blood-red blur).

Goku: What is that?

The blue and red blur had stopped instantly; causing a fume screen of sand, as information technology clears it shows the figures of Mario and Sonic.

Superman: Who are y'all two? If you looking for Roshi he is not hither right at present.

Sonic: OK pal I was only racing my friend Mario when I the saw you two fighting. I was wondering if you have time for a race.

Superman: Deplorable, no time I'm decorated training with Gok-(interrupted by a punch past Sonic and Mario at same time)

Sonic:(smirking) How about a fight? I usually don't have no for a-ack!

(Then Sonic and Mario had been hit by a expert blow from Goku)

Goku: No i messes with my friends!


Sonic spindashes into Superman, causing him to fall on his back, but he quickly recovers.

Meanwhile, Goku iss exchanging blows with Mario until Goku goes Super Saiyan

Goku: I'm catastrophe this at present! (Goku sends rapid fire ki blasts at Mario, who dodges every last 1 of them. He counters past landing with a blow with his hamer, sending the Saiyan flying. Goku regains command, going Super Saiyan 2)

Goku: OK tough guy, let's encounter what you got! Goku charges at Mario, kicking him, which sends him flying into Kame Firm.

Krillin: Oh shit, if this keeps up principal Roshi volition have nowhere to live!

Superman is seen firing heat vision at the blue blur.

Sonic: Haha, you're too slow!

Superman, now starting to become reckless, fires another blast at Sonic which hits Kame House, narrowly missing Yamcha's head by a quarter of an inch.

Yamcha: Damn it Superman, that almost killed me!

Superman flies towards sonic at calorie-free speed, grabbing him.

Superman: Got y'all now y'all little blue rat!

Superman punches him the same style he did to Zod in Man of Steel and hits him towards a valley.

Mario: Holy shit I have to assist him! Mario summons a warp pipe to trail after the 2.

Mario: Lets-a-become! (jumps in pipe)

Goku: What the…? Don't go out me!

Goku uses Instant Transmission to the location of Superman, Sonic and Mario.

Sonic and Mario charge at Superman at full force, causing him to cough up blood and fall to his knees.

Superman: He'southward non b... bad for a rat. (Superman gets up slowly). Time to evidence you what I can actually practice! (Superman flies towards the sunday)

Mario: You lot're non going anywhere! (Mario jumps ahead of him using his hammer to slam Superman to the footing.)

Superman lands on the ground hard, creating a huge crater in the world. Superman then flies out of it casually.

Superman: Well, now no demand to hold dorsum.

Sonic: What? Th-tha… that's impossible! No one should be able to survive that!

(Goku hits Sonic from behind and fling him to Superman)

Superman: No one, (punches sonic square in the confront) except for me!

Superman: Goku there is no point holding back. Become all out, they can take it.

Goku: Alright this is going to be fun. (He goes Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan)

Sonic: You lot guys are stronger so I thought, but don't get ahead of yourself! Y'all two are not the only ones with that power.

(Mario grabs the superstar and absorbs information technology, becoming a rainbow of colors)

Mario: Lets-a-go Motha$%&#!%

Sonic summons the emeralds and absorbing information technology, becoming the Legendary Super Sonic.

Superman: Damn information technology Goku, what where you teaching this guy.

Sonic rushes at Goku, landing a kick to the jaw.

Goku: ack!

Superman: Gok-(interrupted by a hammer to the gut by Mario.)

Goku now takes rapid blows from Sonic at un-reactable speeds.

We meet Vegeta and Batman watching the battle unfold.

Vegeta: Damn information technology why dose Kakarot become to have all the fun! It should be me in there instead of that dumb kryptonian.

Batman: Pipe downwards windows acme. This is not your fight. Clark and Goku should be done with them shortly.

Vegeta: and if they don't and so I'thousand stepping in.

Goku is at present seen to exist badly injured and the brink of death

Sonic: It's over you freak. (He spin-dashes into goku, well-nigh killing him)

Superman: GOKU!!!! (Superman snaps Mario's cervix, then charges at Sonic at full speed, grabbing Sonic by the cervix, lifting him upward until punching and so hard his hand went directly through the face up and dorsum through the head.)

Superman (now covered in claret slowly walks towards Goku picks him up and flies to Kame House to heal him).

Vegeta: Damn it Kakarot, now I have this Solar Freak surpass me. Damn it, damn it DAMN Information technology!!!!!!!!!!


Kenny: Now that was a little farthermost. Only damn that was cool! Now Sonic and Mario were actually a pretty good match for Superman and Goku though superman surpassed them all at well, everything. Though Mario's hammer was actually magic and then it would do some real good damage to Superman, but Goku had the martial arts and ability to exist a good gene to assistance aid Superman on this fight.

Kenny: As far as power ups go, Superman was too fast, making it most incommunicable for the two to utilise them while Mario had all the magic to do information technology just although it was non enough to put him out for good. The Ice Flower will freeze Superman, only he can use his oestrus vision to burst out.

Kenny: Now Sonic's speed was a pretty good boost but that was when he was fighting Goku. You see, Superman was much MUCH faster than Sonic. Now Sonic and Mario would win in certain circumstances only more times than not, Goku and Superman take the victory.


Kenny: ...What where you all expecting a pun or something? No I'thou not doing that.

Boomstick: But I will!

Wiz: (hits Boomstick in head with frying pan) merely say it.

Kenny: The winners are Superman and Goku!


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