
Assassins Creed Black Flag Sequence 5

Assassin's Creed 4 guide – sequence 5 walkthrough

A complete walkthrough of Assassinator'due south Creed four Black Flag's 5th sequence.

Sequence 05

Memory 01: The Fort

Optional Objectives

  • Utilize the mortar to damage the fort
  • Utilise a running assassination to kill the officer

Head dorsum to the Jackdaw and ready sheet. It's time to exist a pirate again and your adjacent destination is Nassau. Experience free to raid and pillage as you lot please on the way to Nassau, or simply use fast travel to get there apace.

When you get in at Nassau, you'll watch a brusque cutting scene, then it's fourth dimension to head dorsum to the transport and out to the open waters once more. If y'all have not done so yet, upgrade the Jackdaw with mortars. Yous will need them for the upcoming mission.

Your objective is unproblematic. Capture the fort. To do this and complete the optional objective at the same time, fire mortar shots from almost 400 meters away to damage the fort. Yous desire to aim for the two large cylindrical towers on either side of the fort. Destroy those and you'll be able to motion in for the kill.

As yous engage in battle, ships will also attack. Ignore the ships and focus on the fort. With the fort destroyed, it doesn't accept much try to get ahead of the ships long enough to dock at the fort and initiate the raid. If the fort is down and the Jackdaw has enough of health, feel free to take on the ships also. If non, focus exclusively on the fort.

When you get closer, movement parallel to the fort, traveling at a fast speed, and utilise your heavy shots to inflict damage on the ii towers. If you need to brand more than 1 pass, come to a complete end so you can turn around every bit quickly equally possible, and then immediately motion back to a faster speed.

Once the fort's defenses are taken out, dock and caput into the fort on foot. Run up the stairs, then climb the wall. Ignore the battle going on and caput straight for the location marker, which leads you to the officeholder. You need to take him out, simply he won't see yous coming. Y'all tin can shoot him from a distance, climb the wall nearby for an aeriform assassination, or stitch to engage in shut gainsay with a running assassination. Using your gun from a distance, or an aeriform assassination is the easiest approach, only the running assassination grants you the 2nd optional objective.

With the officeholder dead, you must at present achieve the war room. Climb the wall to the west of the Captain to discover your crew handily taking care of the guards. With an easy path to the war room, open up the door to watch another cut scene and complete the mission.

Memory 02: Traveling Salesman

Optional Objectives

  • Impale gunners (4)
  • Kill guards stunned by smoke bombs (5)

Your next objective is Kingston. Head back to the ship and set sail for your next destination. On the mode you lot'll have to pass past a fort. If your ship is heavily upgraded, feel costless to take on the fort, simply if not canvas as far west of the fort every bit you tin. You'll pass past one of the ships guarding the fort, but if you remain at travelling speed, y'all won't accept any trouble getting past while avoiding a fight.

When you arrive in Kingston head to the mission location and speak to Adéwalé to begin the mission. Tail Prins and Torres until they enter the heavily guarded corridor. At this point, climb the wall and stand on the roof of the hut just to a higher place. Brand sure to continue both men in your sights and then you don't lose them. Use Eagle Vision to continue a closer eye on them if demand be.

Spring over to the tree, so climb up until you can use the branches to leap over to the horizontal poles extending from the structure ahead. Head over the roof of the building as the two men proceed to motility. Motility from rooftop to rooftop, until information technology's necessary to bound back downwardly to the footing to continue your pursuit.

At this point, the men stop just beyond a nearby tree. Hide behind the tree until the men continue to move. When they stop again, climb up to the rooftop of the nearby hut. Go along to follow the men, moving from rooftop to rooftop until you run across a gunman perched at the top of a roof. Electrocute him from behind, then continue your rooftop adventures until the men movement abroad once more.

Yous should come across a stack of brush downward below, near two guards. Dive into the brush, then movement through the fencing ahead and hide in the brush just beyond. Stay close enough to eavesdrop on the chat. To practice and then you'll demand to climb up the building to the left and take out the baby-sit on the roof. As the men continue to walk, you too need to hide in carts and assassinate the guards that stand nearby until they finally stop at a clearly near some brush.

Hide in the brush until the guards set on. To complete the optional objective, toss a smoke bomb as presently every bit they attack and only kill the men while the fume bomb is active. You may have to toss two or 3 smoke bombs to get the job done.

In one case the guards are downward, you need to chase down Kidd. Follow his verbal path and you'll take no trouble tackling him. For a "Kidd", he'south not all that fast. Catch Kidd and the mission is complete!

Retentiveness 03: Unmanned

Optional Objectives

  • Employ berserk darts on brutes (2)
  • Use sleep darts on gunners (two)

Head to the windmill, climb to the top and speak with Kidd to kickoff the next mission. Move to the right to synchronize the area, then drop down into the cart full of hay beneath. Your objective is to disable the three warning bells.

Duck into the heavy brush just alee and await for the guards to move away. In one case they do, move to the left toward the bell. Wait for the get-go baby-sit on the left to dissever himself from the other guards. Take him down while remaining hidden in the castor, and then wait for the guard to the far left to motion close to the brush you're hiding in. Take him down equally well, then movement every bit close every bit you can go to the bell while staying in the brush.

Look for the soldier guarding the bell to render, then whistle to go his attention and do your best impression of an assassin. With those guards downwardly, you should run into a single guard just beyond the bell and to the left. Shoot a berserk dart into him to describe over the other guards. Shoot 2 more berserk darts into the soldiers holding axes. This fulfills the optional objective of using darts on the brutes.

While the berserker brutes are causing a mayhem, use a sleeping dart on the gunman in the belfry to your left. When the commotion is over, there will be a handful of guards remaining, leaving very few eyes on the bong tower. Look until those eyes are looking away, then move in an sabotage the bell.

Duck back into the brush and caput to the left of the tower to discover one last guard. Whistle to get his attention, so take him down and go along moving toward the next bong. The bong is near a small house. You demand to arroyo the house from the left side. Hide in the castor to the left of the business firm and look for the guards to look the other way. Climb to the top of the house and use sleeping darts to disable the guards. Demolition the bell, then motion toward the tertiary and concluding bell.

The path to the bong is adequately clear if you movement from brush to brush. When y'all become close, target the brute (axe wielder) with a berserk sprint to depict the others over. Wait until the fume clears from the boxing, then take out whatever remaining guards with sleeping darts. Keep an eye on the soldier in the watch tower, and hit him with a sleeping sprint if need exist. With the third bong down, head to the new location mark to run across up with Kidd.

Afterwards the brief cut scene, quickly motility up to the brush on the left, simply within the grounds. Look for the baby-sit to come downwardly the stairs, then whistle and take him down. Motility forward into the hay cart and whistle over again when the guard approaches. Take him out and then climb up to the roof of the house and synchronize.

Turn effectually and caput for the crate of brush just alee to the left. There'due south ane guard close to you lot and another on the far side. Wait until the baby-sit on far side is looking away, and then run toward the closer guard and assassinate him. Motility to the far left side of the roof and await down. Simply beyond the gate is a single guard. Assassinate him, and then movement into the brush just ahead.

Your target is Laurens Prins. Activate Eagle Vision and look toward the gazebo on the correct to find him. Motion toward him, staying in the brush. The only baby-sit left to worry about is the one on the roof to your right. As long equally he is not looking in your direction, yous tin can move nearly freely. Look until Prins is facing the other direction, then run up and assassinate him!

Now information technology'due south time to put on your track shoes, because after a short cutting scene, yous need to run out of the mansion grounds and into town. Don't worry nigh attacking anyone, just run. Once y'all're back in town, become a little fleck ahead of the guards chasing y'all and duck into some brush to lose them.

With the guards out of the mode, information technology'due south time to run across upwardly with Kidd over past the windmill. Did you know he's actually a she?

Head back for the residual of our Assassin'southward Creed 4 guide.


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